Killingsworth - Hey PawPaw — DOUBLE ENTENDRE PICTURES

Killingsworth “Hey Paw Paw” series

Double Entendre Pictures - South Carolina Online Video Commerical Company - Killingsworth PawPaw Hero Banner.jpg

The Killingsworth “Hey Paw Paw” series was born out of a desire to show the strong family bonds that were at the root of the business. It was a creative way of allowing the Rogers family to enter the homes of their customers and leave them feeling all warm and fuzzy inside!

The video below, Tea Time, was especially fun as it built on the lore created with the previous spots and was the first spot starring Mike Roger’s granddaughter. And who doesn’t love seeing a grown man play tea and makeup with a little girl?! It was the highlight for us.


Production Team

Michael Crissinger
Molly McKinney

Chris Calnin
1st AC:
R.C. Walker
Stills: Allison Fowler
Josh Swope
Gaffer: Raymond Benthall

Gaffer: Steve Lange
Best Boy/Grip:
Brett Ray
Hair&Makeup Renee Goodwin

Makeup: Wendy Bell
Lile Sizemore
Set Design: Pam Nosenko
Audio: Josh Linker
PA: Kevin Hooper
PA: Blake Edwards
PA: Dan Cava
PA: Matt Clum
Location: Peter Minor
Motion GFX:
Ronald Rabideau
Edit: Michael Crissinger